A Little Adventure In Cuba
I love sea-dooing in Canada, especially up north. So I assumed I was going to love going in the Atlantic Sea. Yup, I was wrong. Well it’s wasn’t so much that I hated it, it was more how scary it was. It all started with turning the motor on and it wasn’t like your typical jet-ski. It had a 1960 year old looking motor and a huge bus, steering wheel. So turning it on was out of my league and trying to make fun turns was scary as hell.
There was a group of us and or course we were the last to get started. As everyone slowly creep up to a pretty fast speed, everything seemed to go smoothly until we started to hit open water. With no shelter or islands around and the only thing you could see was sea, it was pretty amazing. But that wasn’t until these giant waves hits us like bricks. Now I love going fast and flying over the waves, but with a crazy motor on the back of our boat and a steering wheel that was loose, it was a little scary. So a friend and I were sharing the jet-ski and I tell ya, we were flying over these waves with the motor leaving the water and having absolutely no control over the turns. It was a little nerve racking. Once the hard part was over, we started to see land and go towards this little river. It felt suddenly like we were boating into the Amazon. It was pretty neat, but all I could imagine was what if our boat turned over. Now that would be creepy, only because there are some crazy animals in these waters. Once we got to our stop, we docked our boats and made our way into a little jungle. It was like 50 degrees with no breeze so it was pretty hot. Suddenly a guy came up to us with a little alligator and it was so cute. Each of us got to hold it, mind you its mouth was tide down. Soon afterwards we were
back out to sea and yes never guess what happened. My boat decided to break down and it wasn’t until about 15 minutes later that our tour guide actually realized we were nowhere in sight. Finally they came back to help us out, and to get it started again, but very soon again it broke down. So my luck was running out that day. After about an hour we finally made it back to the dock. Though let me tell ya, it was adventure that I just didn’t ever see coming. It was fun, but scary!