The Art of India

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For years now, I have always dreamed of exploring the land of India. With its history linking back thousands of years that includes invasions, the rise and fall of empires, colonization and the independence. It has made me want to wander around and explore the country’s culture and traditions, by viewing its buildings, land and people. With this all is mind, below I have included a list of this things I want to see when I do go to India.
Kolkata: It’s the capital of west Bengal. Where not only will you see the busy business center, but also the impressive markets, colonial buildings, and amazing central parkland.
The Wonder Train: Its one of the only trains in India that will take you on a ride of wonder and luxury. You can hop on this train from Darjeeling or Shimla. You can also take this train around the causal city of Goa and tour the palace on wheels of the golden Triangle.
Goa Beaches: The place where many travelers flock to, and was once part of the hippy trail in the 60’s. It’s the land of beach huts, eco-camps, and yes resorts too. But its golden sandy beaches are where the paradise lies. With over 105km of coastline and lots of fun on the beach, every traveler wants to explore this magical place.
Hindu Festivals: To really grasp the India traditions, take a jump at seeing one of the festivals. They usually take part in September and October and are filled with enchanting noise. It’s full of colour, music, food, and dancing. The festival is held in honour of the goddess Durga.
Holy Temples: To explore some of the most amazing temples in the country is located in Orissa state. The city of Bhubanwswar has a few notable temples such as Lingaraj Temple. The city of Konarak has the Sun Temple and the home of the most stunning Buddhist cave temples is located in Ajanta.
Delhi: The city of two stories, one with the modern city that includes Lutyen’s architecture or the old side, where everything is ancient. With centuries old building, narrow streets, shrines and temples. It’s a city that is a must see, when you do visit India.
Taj Mahal and the Golden Triangle: One of the most stunning attractions throughout the entire country. It is also known as: Golden Triangle”.
bhubaneswar has 500 ancient temples
lingaraj, rajarani, megheswar, bhaskareswar,brahmeswar, mukteswar,bindu sagar,parasurameswar,ananta vasudev, vaital deul,chitrakarini, sari deul etc to name few
konark world heritage only 65 kmd
puri-the holiest city which hoists the rath yatra festival and majestic jagannath temple is 60 kms from bbsr and 32 km from konark completes the golden triangle of east india or orissa