Crazy Festivals Around The World
Every dream of being in the middle of a crazy, freaky festival. Well many people don’t dream, they do it. Below are a few crazy festivals around the world, that you may want to work your backpacking adventure around.
Tomato Fesitval in Spain
During the last week of August about 30,000 people participate in the world largest food fight. The town square in Bunol, Spain is filled with people trying to throw as many tomatos as they possible can. Many trucks pile tones of tomatos for about 90 minutes and from there the fun begins.
Monkey Buffet in Thailand
In the last week of November thousands of people from all over take part in this Monkey Buffet. No matter how much you love’em or hate’em you will not be able to ignore these Simians. In the town of Lopburi, many people feared that they are going to be way to many Monkeys so the town decided to lay out a delicious lunch including things from peanuts to watermelons.
No Sex Day throughout Bali
When it comes to March 16 of every year, security guards, patrol the streets and areas to ensure the rules are observed. So this only happens because it is the Balinese New year, which by culture it is suppose to be spent in total silence with no sex, food, and even television.
The orange Battle in Italy
If you think one orange juice spray hurts when going in the eye, well try about hundreds of oranges coming at you during this festival. In Ivrea, Italy between Feb 13-16 many people from all over the world come and throw oranges at each other. Yes, it sounds fun, but it hurts too!!
Festival of Phallus in Kawasaki
This celebration is a little disturbing to even call it a festival of the penis. On the first sunday of April the male members take center stage on huge floats and even on candy to celebrate the penis.
I was actually at the Orange Festival in Ivrea back in 2005. Pure craziness! Receiving an orange on your body hurts like crazy!!