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Now a more convenient way to stay in touch while traveling


While I was backpacking in Europe for an entire year, keeping in touch was something that I didn’t do too often. I usually would write a quick email to my family to let them know my whereabouts and that I was safe, but as far as emailing friends I usually wrote a quick, short email. Though back then Facebook didn’t exist or cheap(er) data phones. So staying in touch took more time, compared to now by writing a quick facebook message or using your mobile. But now, technology has taken a big turn and staying in touch for backpackers is a whole lot easier. And now it is even easier for backpackers to stay in touch, for an airline has just announced that cell phone usage will be allowed during the flight.
Air New Zealand is now in the process of letting passengers send text messages and emails during mid-flight. The airline expects to let people send and receive text messages and also send emails via iPhones/Blackberries. Although, the only thing that will not be allowed during the flight is still phone calls. This new service will also allow customers use their laptops in conjunction with their mobile to connect to the internet. With this service starting in early next year passengers will be able to stay connected on long-haul flights. This also means that this service will not only allow business people to stayed tuned with the outside world, but also backpackers. So for all you backpackers, in a very short time many airlines will include this service, so there will be no more excuses in not staying in touch with your family and friends. Well for the backpackers who do carry their mobiles along with them.

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  1. 06/10/2010 1:06 am

    now that’s a good news!

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