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The Truth About Hostels


Whenever I leave for a backpacking adventure many people ask me the same question. “ So where do you stay when you backpack?” As like every true backpacker, I answer, “ In hostels.” And everytime I say that, others tell me, “ Really, you stay in those places.” Its like there is something wrong with the idea of a hostel. In the public eye, hostels are seen as dirty, scary, and impersonal. This is only because the media extends the fear into everyone’s mind that a hostel is exactly that. Yet, in reality they are one of the safest places to stay whiling backpacking. Hostels are not only safe, but they are inexpensive, clean, and a great way to meet fellow backpackers. They are nothing like that movie, Hostel. So tell me, when do I always get the same answer and see how afraid individuals are, about staying in a hostel?

Hostels are dirty. Well that is un true. Almost every hostel I have came across has been clean and very tidy. Although I see your point in why you might think they are dirty, because the amount of people going in and out/ partying, they are fairly cheap, and they are usually made up of dormintories . With just bunk beds and backpacks laying around, yes you might think they are dirty. Yet, they aren’t only because every backpacker who travels is in the same vote as you. Trying to keep things together, clean and organized. Well for the most part. Yes, you can come across those few travelers who have their personal things everywhere, but at the same time hostels can be cleaner than a motel or hotel.

Hostels are dangerous. Well that is un true too. As a female, solo backpacker I found hostels to be the safest lodging for traveling. Reason for that is because you are surrounded by similar individuals. Everyone is always friendly and looking to chat/meet. Very rarely backpackers don’t chat within the hostel among fellow travelers. I believe it is the best way to meet people – in a hostel. As far as danger goes, well the hostels are usually very carefull in who they let in at late hours of the evening. Some hostels even have lock down during certain periods of the night. The individuals who work for these hostels are usually travelers, working aboard or who once was a backpacker. So they know how to keep the hostels danger free.

As far as Hostels being scary, well yes maybe at first they can be. If you have never experienced a hostel before you might be a little overwhelmed. There are always many people around, large rooms with bunk beds, people chatting everywhere, and tones of backpacks surrounding the floor, and sharing a bathroom. Yes you might be a little scared at first. But once you get in the groove of meeting people, knowing where your personal belongings are at all times/organized, and getting use to the dormintories, you will soon grow to love being in hostels. You will quickly feel welcomed in any hostel, since everyone surrounding you is in the same vote as you. They are traveling, wanting to meet people, and over all wanting to have a great time.

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4 Comments leave one →
  1. 08/04/2010 9:53 am

    I’ve met some really good friends at hostels, and I’ve always had a far better time then whenever I’ve “splurged” and stayed in a hotel instead.

    • 08/04/2010 9:14 pm

      I feel the same way! I wouldn’t go to a hotel even if I had the choice! Your trip is all about the people you meet…

  2. 08/05/2010 3:30 am

    I think people has the wrong impression of backpacking because in the past hostels were run by hippy like people for hippy like people. Now days backpackers is run by well educated business people who likes to entertain travellers from all over the world and show off their destinations without being stuck between four walls. The vibe and service is what backpacking is about.

  3. 08/10/2010 7:36 pm

    Keep up the good work, I like your writing.

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