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Turning Your Passion Into Everyday Life


Within the last two years, many things in my life have done many twist and turns. Some for the good and some for the bad, but with each change my passion for traveling, producing, and photography have never been lost. For many people keeping your passion active or even finding your passion can be one of the most difficult things to do in life. I found over the years within my travels and meeting an assortment of individuals, many of those individuals have found what they loved but never did anything about it or were still not sure what their true passion was. So how do you find your passion or how do you keep you passion active? Well, for most of us that can be one of the hardest questions to answer in life.

As for me, my passion for traveling has never stopped due to obstacles in life getting in the way.

You can’t let those obstacles stop you from achieving your goals.

Traveling for me is a bug, so even though the ordinary day route of work is still there, I make sure to fit traveling in that lifestyle. Many people ask me, “well you must make a lot of money” or “you are one of those lucky people to get the time off work.” Well both comments are completely incorrect. Since I am so obsessed with seeing new places around the world, I make sure nothing stops me. It is a true passion of mine, so no matter how hard it is to find the time or money to travel I make sure it works. For the most part, backpacking can be very inexpensive. You just need to find flight deals, stay in hostels, and do everything on a low budget. Plus true backpacking is seeing the world on a budget. As a result, backpacking usually makes its way in my lifestyle ever few months. Even if it is a five day backpacking trip, at least I am doing something that I love.

So if you have a passion for something, make it happen even if it is extremely difficult to make. Anything and everything is possible. Also, life is to short to not do something you love.

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One Comment leave one →
  1. 08/13/2010 7:44 am

    I believe that in the end, we should live the life that we choose to live in. I don’t know why s many people think you need to either be a full time vagabond or a trust fund baby just to travel. I mean heloooo do you even bother checking what you spend on? as far as I’m concerned, it’s more important and life affirming to spend on travel than a new cell phone (I don’t get that, really) or horribly expensive pair of shoes (which truth to tell will not make you more pretty . but then that’s just me!

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