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I knocked off my 2010 travel destinations. Have you?


Someone today asked me if I completed my travel resolution for 2010. It kinda got me thinking, did I? Well yes, I did have many plans for backpacking destinations this year, but I really never made a promise to myself about my travel resolution. Instead, a few years ago I made a promise to myself that I will no matter what knock off a destination on my travel list at least once a year. So yes, I did do that and a few more too.

When the New Year started this year I had already planned what days I wanted to take off work. So with that I started my plan for what were my top destinations to visit for 2010. First off, I ended up in Cannes, France for work, which wasn’t on the agenda but it sure took a great start to my travel plans. I was a sales rep for the company I work for and attended one of the largest conferences in the world – MIPTV. It was an experience of a lifetime that not only taught me more within the media industry but also gave me the chance to meet some amazing individuals. Plus not only was the trip filled with great experiences but it was also another taste of traveling. I was there for 12 days, work and traveling.

The next destination happened the day I returned from France. I hopped on a plane the very same day to Cuba. Yes, I was a vacation after a work vacation. Couldn’t get any better. This was my 7th time visiting Cuba. Although this time was just a little different from all the others, since I was there for a wedding. A good friend of mine from Toronto got married. It was amazing wedding, but what else was great was actually seeing the city of Havana. I never been and it was for sure one of the major cities on my travel list. So my backpacking ways came into gear when I entered this city. It was like going back in time and seeing everything that was once a magical city in the 1960’s to a city filled with much culture.

My next destination for this year was to actually travel my own country. I have always wanted to visit Vancouver Island and this was the year I was going to go. A great friend of mine from College had recently moved our there to finish school. So I knew it was the perfect opportunity to not only see the Island but also visit her. I went for Canada’s day and wow it was the best Canada’s Day I have ever experienced. Not only did we rent out mopeds around the Island but we also visited Salt Spring Island too. Salt Spring Island is a place filled with hippies. It is amazing to travel around the island and all you feel is free. Free from reality life, the busy and the bustle. It was a place were you feel so calm and relaxed, perfect for a vacation.

As the summer was slowly coming to an end, but next stop was visit San Diego. Although this was a destination I have been to quite a few times. Not only did I want to stay around warm weather, but visiting old friends and memories was all part of my vacation. So for six days, I enjoyed the beach to it’s fullest.

So as the year of 2010 is slowly coming to an end, I believe my trips have too. Because next year has already been partly planned. Vegas for January and Japan for April. So far it’s already looking good for 2011. Did you knock off your 2010 travel destination???? If not you still have a few months to do it!!!!!!!! Or a least start your 2011 travel resolution plan.

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One Comment leave one →
  1. 10/27/2010 7:22 am

    You forgot to include Montreal !!! :)

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