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One Week Until Tanzania

Ngorongoro Crater

With one week away from departure, yes, one week, 7 days or 168 hours, I’m excited!! Does it show? My trip preparation to Tanzania has come along well… or so I think. Trying to juggle work, training and trip preparation has not been easy, but it’s got to be done.

What’s left to do? Fortunately, not much. Training is a given. Due to time constraints, I’m training 3 times per week instead of 4. I also don’t want to tire my body out too much before leaving. Next in line is exchanging my moulah. After contacting my tour operator in Tanzania, I’m thinking of exchanging more US dollars than Shillings. Not sure if I’ll get taken advantage of the exchange rate that way. Any suggestions? Then, I need pass by Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) to buy Pristine and no-rinse shampoo.

After running these errands, the next best thing is to hop on the plane. I’m still no sure what I’m getting myself into but I’m surely excited to begin my 3-week solo adventure in Tanzania.

About The Author

Tanya is an adventurous person who most enjoys the cultural aspect of traveling. She traveled to North, Central and South America, Europe, Africa and Europe. When she's not hiking mountains, she spends her time visiting local schools or families. It's a nice break from the 9-5 corporate life.

Number of Entries : 243

Comments (2)

  • Andrea Wall

    Not exactly sure where you are going to be staying – but I am an American living in TZ for seven years – all our funds are in the US and I take out by ATM thus always giving me the best rate.

    • Tanya

      Hi Andrea, thanks for the info! Should I exchange some $$ in US dollars before leaving so I have a bit of money in case I run into problems with withdrawing cash in Moshi or Zanzibar? I feel like I would lose on the exhange rate if I pay in US dollars in Tanzania. Pls help!


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