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World’s Largest Swimming Pool


In Chile, there is a pool that looks like a lake, where people not only swim but also sail and do all the non-motor boat activities.
The pool is located in San Alfonso del Mar in Algarrobo where many hotels along the beach share the same pool. The pool is about 1,000 yards long and covers 20 acres that hold about 66 million gallons of water. Plus it’s also 115 ft in the deep end of the pool. Sounds more like a big lake, than a pool!!
To maintain this pool it cost more than building it, around $4 million per year. So you can only imagine what type of hotels get to share this amazing pool. Yes, only plus five star resorts.

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  1. 11/24/2010 8:01 pm

    That is AMAZING. I can imagine what the price tag is to go there…. but I really want to go!

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