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Top 5 Travel Movies


Did you ever watch a movie and thought: I wish I was there or I want to go there? Some movies are famous for their story lines, others for their producers, but some movies are remembered for their beautiful landscape and scenery. Those are the type of movies that stay stuck in my head. Below are my top 5 travel movies.

5. The Beach


I was in complete aw when I first saw this movie. The beaches looked so pristine and I remember telling myself that one day, I’ll be going there. And I did head out to Phi Phi Leh island. Although it became an extremely touristic spot-sadly, it is definitely a must see.

4. Slumdog Millionaire

The story about a teen who grew up the slums, it’s a movie that really made me appreciate where I grew up. Nevertheless, it was just that type of movie that intrigued me and remained in the back of my mind. This movie has definitely made a few people consider traveling to India.

3. City of God

I watched this movie a few years ago for the first time and remember two main things about it. The first being the favelas, and the second – the beaches! Although it was a somewhat violent movie, it remained a realistic movie- a movie that provided viewers with a glimpse of what goes on in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. I unfortunately didn’t go to a favela when I traveled to Rio last year, but at the least, I can vouch for the beauty of the city.  I fortunately didn’t run into any dangers while in the city.

2. Into the Wild

A courageous story about a young man who gives up everything to live into the wild in Alaska. It’s a story that personally touches the hearts of backpackers because the main actor simply goes with the flow. No plans, no end destination, he just goes wherever the wind brings him. It’s definitely a must-see movie if you’re a backpacker.

1. Eat, Pray, Love

This was the movie that really touched my heart this year. I related to almost every aspect of the movie, from eating great food in Italy, to finding my inner self on the road. Most travelers will relate to this movie.

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